YMLib Systems Librarian


位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期三, 8月 30, 2006



  首先我們說說怎樣給IE的主程序Iexplore.exe加上參數。打開「我的電腦」,找到IE的安裝目錄,假設你的IE安裝在C : Program FilesInternet Explorer下。進入該文件夾,找到Iexplore.exe文件,對著它點擊鼠標右鍵,在彈出的快捷菜單中選擇「發送到」|「桌面快捷方式」,這樣就在桌面上建立了一個Iexplore.exe文件的快捷方式。用鼠標右鍵單擊該快捷方式,選擇「屬性」,會彈出「Iexplore.exe 屬性」對話框,選擇其中的「快捷方式」標籤,然後在「目標」框裡填入Iexplore.exe文件的路徑和文件名及參數,就會給我們帶來意想不到的效果。


  收藏夾對於經常上網的用戶來說,非常實用。它能將好的網頁地址保存起來,再次訪問的時候,不必輸入網址就可以查詢該網頁。不過,每次都去點擊「收藏夾」菜單,未免有些麻煩,如果能在桌面上顯示一個窗口,裡面的內容就是收藏夾,那該多方便。右鍵點擊桌面上的Iexplore.exe,選「屬性」|「快捷方式」,在目標欄中填入:" C : Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" -channelband,注意,在參數「-channelband」前面有一個空格。輸入完畢,點擊這個快捷方式,在桌面上就會彈出一個只有關閉按鈕,黑底白字的小窗口,其實它就是「頻道欄」,只是裡面的內容被我們的收藏夾給替換了。如果不想讓它每次都顯示,把「-channelband」去掉就可以了。


  修改IE默認主頁地址是惡意網頁常用的一招,IE被修改後,會自動連接到惡意網頁的地址。大家常用的方法是修改註冊表,其實,只要簡單給IE加個參數,就再也不害怕IE主頁地址被修改了。和上面的方法相同,在Iexplore.exe快捷方式的「目標」框裡填入:" C : Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome,給Iexplore.exe加上參數「-nohome」,點擊「確定」退出即可。



  我們可以在桌面上建立一個IE的快捷方式,當別人一點擊,就會出現一個沒有工具欄和菜單欄的全屏幕顯示的IE窗口,非常好玩,而你則可以熟練地利用鍵盤進行操作。和前面的方法相同,只是在「目標」框裡填入:" C : Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" -k,點擊「確定」按鈕退出就建立了一個IE的桌面快捷方式。點擊這個快捷方式,會出現一個不包括工具列、狀態欄的全屏幕IE模式。由於菜單都沒有了,必須使用一些組合鍵才能操控這個IE窗口,以下是常用到的按鍵組合,供大家參考:

  Alt+左箭頭:上一頁 Alt+右箭頭:下一頁

  Ctrl+B:開啟整理收藏夾 Ctrl+D:加到我的收藏夾

  Ctrl+I:顯示或隱藏收藏夾 Ctrl+H:開啟歷史紀錄文件夾

  Ctrl+E:搜索 Ctrl+N:打開新窗口

  Ctrl+L:用來輸入網址 Ctrl+O:也可用來輸入網址

  Ctrl+R:刷新,等同於按F5 Ctrl+W:關閉目前的窗口,等同於按Alt+F4



  以上幾則技巧,也可以這樣來實現:點擊「開始」菜單中的「運行」,在打開的「運行」對話框中輸入:iexplore空格-參數來運行,效果和上面介紹的方法一樣。以上面的技巧2為例,你可以在「運行」對話框中輸入:iexplore -nohome,回車可以達到同樣的效果。只是這樣沒有利用快捷方式這種方法更方便。


星期一, 8月 28, 2006

如何將 FAT 磁碟區或 FAT32 磁碟區轉換成 NTFS

注意 雖然在進行轉換時發生資料損毀或遺失的機會極低,我們依然建議您在開始轉換之前,先對要轉換的磁碟區執行資料備份。

如果要將現有的 FAT 或 FAT32 磁碟區轉換成 NTFS,請依照下列步驟執行:
1. 按一下 [開始],指向 [所有程式],指向 [附屬應用程式],然後按一下 [命令提示字元]。
2. 在命令提示字元」中鍵入下列命令,其中 磁碟機代號 是指您想要轉換的磁碟機
convert磁碟機代號: /fs:ntfs
例如,輸入下列命令會將 E 磁碟機轉換成 NTFS:
converte: /fs:ntfs
注意 如果作業系統位於您將轉換的磁碟機上,由於在作業系統執行時無法完成轉換,您就會收到排程這項工作的提示。出現提示時,請按一下 [是]。
3. 當您在命令提示字元收到下列訊息時,請輸入您所要轉換磁碟機的磁碟區標籤,再按下 ENTER:
檔案系統的類型是 FAT。
4. 當 NTFS 轉換完成時,您會在命令提示字元收到下列錯誤訊息:
5. 結束命令提示字元。
回此頁最上方 回此頁最上方
• 當您嘗試將磁碟區轉換成 NTFS 時,會在命令提示字元收到下列錯誤訊息:
轉換不能獨占磁碟機代號 磁碟的存取,所以不能在現在轉換。您是否要為轉換排程,讓它在系統下次重新啟動時進行轉換?
如果您嘗試轉換的磁碟區正在使用中,就會發生這項問題。例如,想要轉換的磁碟機就是正在執行 Windows XP 的磁碟機。

如果要解決這個問題,請在命令提示字元輸入 Y。下一次您啟動電腦時,磁碟區或磁碟機就會轉換成 NTFS。
• 當您嘗試將磁碟區轉換成 NTFS 時,會在命令提示字元收到下列錯誤訊息:

• 結束正在使用磁碟機上檔案的所有程式,並在命令提示字元中輸入 y,將磁碟機轉換成 NTFS。
• 在命令提示字元中鍵入 Y。
轉換不能獨占磁碟機代號 磁碟的存取,所以不能在現在轉換。您是否要為轉換排程,讓它在系統下次重新啟動時進行轉換?
在命令提示字元中鍵入 Y,下一次您啟動電腦時,磁碟區或磁碟機就會轉換成 NTFS。

Middlebury College: Systems Librarian

General Information
Position Title: Systems Librarian
Control Number: 000316
Reports To: 000336
Department Name: Library and Information Services
Location: Middlebury College
Date Prepared: Sep-00
Exempt: No
Level: K
Primary Purpose
Provides reference and instructional services to students, faculty, staff and other library users.
Works cooperatively with others and accepts direction from supervisors.

Maintains knowledge of all modules of online library system.

Provides ongoing instruction and support to staff to facilitate effective use of various elements of library system.

Assists staff in incorporating system modifications/upgrades into procedures.

Assists in implementation of new and revised modules of library system.

Supports and advises library heads responsible for various components of the library system on ways to facilitate design, performance and interrelationships among components. Provides the technical support needed to create and customize the components.

Provides communications link between system vendor(s) and relevant staff, making sure departments responsible for various modules are informed of vendor changes and the vendor is informed of needs and concerns of constituent departments.

Customizes computer programs.

Analyzes requests for system reports and designs and writes report writer specifications and programs.

Works closely with Library staff and Information Technology Services staff to provide faculty, staff and classes with instruction and documentation about electronic and Internet information resources and access.

Manages and coordinates Middlebury College and Ilsley Public Library cooperative library system.

Works closely and meets regularly with ITS in designing, deploying and maintaining integrated campus computing, telecommunications and information systems.

Coordinates library support of and contributions to Middlebury's campus information systems.

Administers library mini and micro-computer systems and recommends policies and procedures for Library Systems operations.

Evaluates new technology applications and recommends and plans enhancements/improvements to library computer systems and networks.

Identifies, evaluates and disseminates information about electronic and networked information resources to library patrons and staff.

Works closely with systems vendors and affiliated regional network libraries to ensure optimal design and performance of library systems.

Assists in preparing operating budgets for the Library and ITS.

Evaluates, procures, tests and debugs library computer hardware and software. Provides advice and expertise in diagnosis of malfunctioning computer and network hardware and software.

Supervises library systems assistant.

Oversees assignment of appropriate security and access codes and monitoring of system security for Library mini and micro-computer systems.

Ensures optimal and reliable technical operation and maintenance of the Library's computer systems.

Responsible for integrity of data and ensures that back-up/recovery systems are reliable.

Participates in Library reference and information services, materials selection and policy/procedure formulation.
Education & Training

Master of Library Science degree required. Coursework in computer science or other computer-intensive discipline, or equivalent professional experience.

Minimum of four to five years' library experience including significant work with automated library systems and MARC formats.

Must have in-depth knowledge of library systems and procedures, MARC formats, general computing and communications hardware and software.

Excellent oral and written communication skills.

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

Lewis J. Ort Library, Frostburg State University: Computer Use Policy

Introduction :
As a global network, the scope of information found on the Internet is wide and diverse. The Lewis J. Ort Library supports free and open access to all forms of information and does not attempt to monitor, filter, or censor the use of any of these resources. In support of our patrons' First Amendment right to freely seek and examine a broad range of opinions and ideas, the Library adheres to the following American Library Association statements on access to information:

- Library Bill of Rights
- Freedom to Read Statement
- ALA Council Resolution on the Use of Internet Filters

In addition to complying with the policies outlined in this document, the library user also assumes certain responsibilities when using one of the Library's computers:

  1. The Library assumes no responsibility for accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, or content of any Internet resource. Library users peruse the Internet at their own risk, realizing the potential for accessing offensive, inaccurate or illegal information. Users must apply their own set of evaluative criteria to information.
  2. It is the responsibility of the user to read and abide by this policy as well as the Responsible Computing at Frostburg State University policy and the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, US Code).
  3. Guardians are advised to read and share with children under 18 the document published by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children entitled Child Safety on the Information Superhighway.

Policies Governing Use of Equipment:

  1. There is a 30 minute time limit on the workstations.
  2. The library will not take reservations for individual computer use.
  3. Food and drink are not permitted.
  4. Printing is allowed. However, not all computers have printing capabilities.
  5. Downloading files to USB flash drives, zip and floppy disks is permitted. Users must supply disks.
  6. Users may not download files to the hard drive.
  7. Personal communication (e-mail and chat rooms) is permitted.
  8. Priority is given to FSU students, faculty, staff and government information users.
  9. The library reserves the right to reclaim workstations being used for other purposes.
  10. The library reserves the right to schedule workstations for instruction or for access to electronic resources available only on specific machines.
  11. Virus protection software is loaded on every computer in the Library. The Library will not be responsible for damage done to users' floppy disks or non-Library computer equipment as a result of downloading.
  12. Library staff is available at public service desks to provide limited assistance in the use of the Library's computers. Staff may limit the amount of time spent in assisting a user in order to provide adequate support for all other Library services.
  13. Individuals requiring more training than staff can give at the Users' Service Desks are encouraged to schedule a training session during the semester. The type of assistance provided by a specific staff member may vary depending on the function of the service area.
  14. Attempts to damage or alter Library equipment or software are a violation of Library policy and will result in the loss of library privileges.
  15. Circulation/Reserve Desks on Floor 3 and the Media Desk on Floor 2 will provide the following types of assistance: printing; resolving basic technical problems; describing available services and brief instructions on how to access them. In addition, the Reference Department will also provide instruction and research assistance.

Last updated 8/13/06

Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center: Public Computer Station Policy

The George T. Harrell Library serves the faculty, students, and staff of Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the Penn State College of Medicine, and users from the Central Pennsylvania community. Library collections and services support the informational needs of PSHMC users engaged in patient care, research, and education. Public stations, with access to the Internet, are provided as a service to our primary users in fulfillment of their patient care, research, and education needs. Use of public stations is limited to the fulfillment of these objectives.

The George T. Harrell Library adheres to the Hershey Medical Center Guidelines for Using Electronic Information and Resources (see Appendix A), Penn State University Libraries Policy Statement on the Use of Public Access Workstations (see Appendix B), and Penn State University Policy AD20 Computer and Network Security.

Library Computers

All computers in the George T. Harrell Library require user sign-in. All computers may be accessed with an PSUHMC ePass available to Hershey Medical Center faculty, staff, and students (application available in the Library or on Infonet). Personal laptop computers connected to the Library wireless network are subject to all PSU and HMC computer policies.

First-Floor Stations

Five computer stations on the first floor of the Library are available for the use of the general public for health care research (or for PSUHMC users without ePass accounts) by registering for Guest Passes at the Circulation Desk. Users with guest passes will be charged 5 cents per page for printing.

Time Limit

Use of Guest Passes on public stations is limited to 1 hour.

Procedure to Obtain A Guest Pass

1. Guest Passes to use a public station are available at the Library’s Circulation Desk.

2. Users must provide a valid picture ID (see policy on minors, under 16, in Appendix B). A list of valid ID’s is available at the Circulation Desk, but includes a PA state driver’s license or other U.S. state driver's license, and HMC or PSU picture ID. This photo ID will be held at the Circulation Desk until the Guest Pass is returned.

3. User must sign into the public station log book.

4. User will be issued a Guest Pass with instructions for logging onto and logging off the computer.

5. Valid photo ID will be returned to the user when the Guest Pass is returned to the Circulation Desk.

6. User should understand that he/she is responsible for what is accessed from this computer during the time that the Guest Pass is activated (see HMC Guidelines, Appendix A, and University Policy). PLEASE LOG OUT when you are finished using the public station.


Appendix A.
HMC Guidelines for Using Electronic Information and Resources: Internet Use

The medical center provides access to the Internet to support the mission and goals of The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Thus, "appropriate use" of the Internet includes a wide range of activities; it does not, however, include significant use of the Internet for personal reasons. Work access to the Internet should never be used for downloading offensive material for personal entertainment, conducting commercial activities unrelated to Penn State or The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center or engaging in activities intended to be detrimental to Penn State or the medical center. Such abuse of medical center provided Internet access is subject to disciplinary action. Appropriate_Use_of_Electronic_Information_Resources.doc

Appendix B.
The Pennsylvania State University Libraries Policy Statement on the Use of Public Access Workstations


The University Libraries are active participants in the worldwide community of scholars. The Libraries' mission is to optimize organized access to information in all formats to advance the instructional, research, and public service goals of the University faculty, staff, and students at all University locations, and of the citizens of Pennsylvania.


The University Libraries maintains an environment that provides open access to all information resources. In support of that interest, the University Libraries attempt to maintain a safe and healthy environment in which library users and staff can be free from harassment, intimidation, and threats to their safety and well being. The University Libraries provide appropriate safeguards against such behaviors and enforce policies and procedures addressing those behaviors when they occur.

The primary purpose of public computer workstations is to support teaching, learning, and research through access to the Libraries collections, databases, and to other online information resources. In order to protect all library users' right of access to all information resources, to ensure the safety of users and staff, and to protect library resources and facilities from damage, the University Libraries may sometimes place restrictions on the time, place, or manner of access to library computer workstations. The University Libraries make every effort to insure that its policies and procedures governing the use of all library facilities and resources are not in violation of the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights.

Compliance with University and Libraries Policies and Rules

The University Libraries abide by federal laws, the statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, local ordinances, and the University policies that guide behavior at Penn State. These statutes, laws, and policies also include the regulations and guidelines relating to harassment, respect for copyright and intellectual property, and the Libraries’ Code of Conduct regarding appropriate library behavior and appropriate uses of University Libraries property. For example, physically abusing a computer workstation or altering hardware, software or data configurations is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with University regulations and policies may result in a loss of library and computing privileges or other disciplinary action.

Courtesy and Responsibility

The University Libraries are unable to guarantee the privacy and/or the confidentiality of patrons using the Internet. Nor is it possible to prevent other library patrons from observing online information or images they may find inappropriate. All patrons using online and Internet resources are expected to show common courtesy and respect for both the privacy and the sensibilities of others.

Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet by Minors

In pursuit of the University Libraries’ mission to provide faculty, staff, students and the community with optimized and organized access to information in all formats, the Libraries have refrained from blocking access to any materials available through its electronic resources and the Internet. In all cases in which minors are using the University Libraries, including its public workstations and other information resources, parents and other adult care-providers are responsible for overseeing and supervising the minor’s use of the University Libraries. Parents and other adult care-providers should be aware that allowing minors to have unsupervised access to electronic resources and the Internet could result in their access to information or images that parents may find inappropriate for their children. For the purposes of this policy, all Penn State students are considered adults.

Adopted 6/19/02 Revised 9/10/02 Revised 3/12/03 Revised 8/26/03

Concordia University Wisconsin: Library Public Computer Acceptable Use Policy

August 2000

The primary goal of the Rincker Memorial Library is to provide information and resource materials to the students, faculty and staff of Concordia University Wisconsin as they develop in mind, body and spirit for service to Christ in the church and the world.

Rincker Memorial Library public access computers are available for research and educational purposes only. Members of local communities may use the computers for research and educational purposes, although preference may be given to campus community members. All users of the public access computers in the Rincker Memorial Library should comply with the following conditions:

  • The Library prohibits the use of public access computers for e-mail, games, chat, financial transactions or other recreational use.

  • Library public access computers may not be used to view or transmit any indecent or obscene materials. The viewing of indecent materials in the Library is considered a case of sexual harassment and a violation of the Student Conduct Code, subject to the University disciplinary process.

  • The Library reserves the right to restrict access to, and/or impose time limitations on the use of public access computers.

  • The Library prohibits unauthorized installation of any software on public access computers.

  • The Library prohibits modification or destruction of Library hardware, software or data including display and desktop configurations.

  • The Library prohibits unauthorized access to computing resources or accounts, or attempted evasion of system and network security measures.

  • The Library is not responsible for damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use of its computer and network facilities.

  • The Library is not responsible for minors’ Internet use or for information accessed by minors. Supervision of minors is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

  • The Library prohibits violation of state or federal law, including copyright laws and software licensing agreements.

  • Library staff reserves the right to monitor the use of public access computers and may contact Campus Security to report non-compliance with the Library’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Section 1.80q of the 1999-2000 Student Handbook: Theft or other abuse of computer time including, but not limited to; unauthorized entry into a file to use, read or change the contents, or for any other purpose; unauthorized transfer of a file; unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and password; use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or University official; use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages; the sending or causing to receive obscene or pornographic drawings, images, photographs, or the like; use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computing system. (C~E)

Library Internet Access Policy

The mission of the New Bedford Free Public Library is to provide materials and services to help people obtain information to meet their personal, educational, and professional needs, placing particular emphasis on youth, reference, and technological services, and to serve as a repository of local recorded history and art. To enhance the fulfillment of this mission the Library is providing access to the World Wide Web (or www) as part of a broad range of information resources. The World Wide Web is a component of the Internet. The Internet, sometimes referred to as the "Information Super Highway", is a global collection of computer networks capable of communicating with each other to provide information and resources to users around the world.

The New Bedford Free Public Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association (ALA), and ALA's "Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.", consistent with all applicable federal, state, or local laws.


The New Bedford Free Public Library only provides access to the Internet. The Library cannot control and is not able to monitor any information on the Internet for either content or accuracy. The individual user is the ultimate judge of the appropriateness, usefulness and value of all material accessed via the Internet. In the case of minors, this responsibility rests with their parents or legal guardian. In no case does the display of any material on the Library's Internet workstations constitute an endorsement by the Library of the material's content and point of view. The New Bedford Board of Library Trustees, the library staff, and the City of New Bedford are not liable for any negative consequences that may occur as a result of using the Library's Internet connection.


This policy applies to all use of public access workstations located at any of the facilities of the New Bedford Free Public Library. Internet access through the SAILS Library Network, whether on computers located at the New Bedford Free Public Library or through remote access, is also covered by a separate SAILS Internet Use Policy.

(See www.sailsinc.org/internetuse.asp)


Patrons make use of the Library's public access workstations at their own risk. The library will make every effort to provide for the privacy of users with respect to public terminals and protect the confidentiality of records.

Minor's Use of the Internet

Consistent with registering for a library card to establish borrowing privileges, a person under the age of 18 who wishes to use the Library's public Internet workstations is required to submit a registration form signed by his/her parent or guardian. Parents are strongly encouraged to be involved with their children's use of this equipment.
Level of Assistance

Users are encouraged to learn about the www and the Internet by checking out material the Library has on the subject. Staff can assist with basic questions. One-on-one training sessions can be scheduled subject to the staff's availability.
Guidelines for Use

It is expressly prohibited to use library equipment to:
1. access material that is obscene, child pornography, or "harmful to minors", consistent with any applicable federal, state, or local law.
2. threaten, libel and harass others, including sexual harassment
3. alter, destroy or damage equipment, software or data
4. disrupt or participate in the unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications
5 make unauthorized copies of copyright-protected material
6 participate in the unauthorized use of computer accounts, using access codes and/or network identification assigned to others.
7. use computer communications facilities in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others
8. tamper with the computer system security
9. intentionally violate software license agreements
10. intentionally. violate network use policies.
11. access online chat.
The Library Board of Trustees is the final authority in determining appropriate use. Intentional violations of the New Bedford Free Public Library World Wide Web (www) - Internet-Public Access Policy will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner, which may include a written warning for 1st time offenders and the loss of privileges for one year for 2nd time offenders. Illegal acts involving the Library 's computing resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities. This policy and agreement form are subject to review and change, as deemed necessary by the trustees.

Workstations and Schedule

Public access is permitted only at workstations identified by appropriate signage, and during announced periods of availability.
Responsibility of Staff

Library employees are responsible for implementing the Internet use guidelines stated above. Staff is expected to take prompt and appropriate action to enforce the guidelines and is authorized to terminate any session by anyone who fails to comply.

revised 9/21/2001
revised 6/ 25/2002

A. A completed User's Agreement Form is required along with either a valid SAILS Library Network card or 1 form of identification. Staff will photocopy the identification and attach it to the completed form. In accordance with Massachusetts state law, all library records are confidential.
B. A person under the age of 18 who wishes to use the Library's public www workstations must submit a registration form signed by his/her parent or guardian. Parents are encouraged to be involved with their children's use of this equipment.
C. Reservations:
1 You may reserve one 60?minute block of Internet time per day.
2 Reservations will be held for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, a computer will then become available for walk?in use.
3 Advance telephone reservations are accepted.
4 Workstations may be used on a first?come?first served basis if they are not currently in use.
5. Whenever possible, visitors to the City of New Bedford, who wish to access email or conduct other business online, will have access to computers for a maximum of 30 minutes. Visitors are also required to complete this form and provide 1 form of identification as described above.
D. Training and equipment:
1. Users are encouraged to learn about the Internet by checking out material the New Bedford Public Library has on the subject. Staff can only assist you with basic questions.
2. Printing of information is available for a nominal fee for each page printed. For more information, please speak to the library staff.
E. Accuracy and appropriateness of information:
1. The New Bedford Public Library provides access only to the Internet. The library cannot control and is not able to monitor any information for either content or accuracy. The individual user is the ultimate judge of the appropriateness, usefulness and value of all material. In the case of minors, this responsibility rests with their parents or legal guardian.
2. In no case does the display of any material on the library's equipment workstations constitute an endorsement by the New Bedford Free Public Library of the material's content and point of view.
3. The New Bedford Free Public Library Board of Trustees, the library staff, and the City of New Bedford are not liable for any negative consequences that may occur as a result of using the library's Internet connection.
F. Rules - It is expressly prohibited to use library equipment to:
1.access material that is obscene, child pornography, or "harmful to minors", consistent with any applicable federal, state, or local law.
2. threaten, libel and harass others, including sexual harassment
3. alter, destroy or damage equipment, software or data
4. disrupt or participate in the unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications
5. make unauthorized copies of copyright-protected material
6. participate in the unauthorized use of computer accounts, using access codes and/or network identification assigned to others.
7. use computer communications facilities in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others
8. tamper with the computer system security
9. intentionally violate software license agreements
10.intentionally violate network usage policies.
11.access online chat.
The Board of Library Trustees is the final authority in determining inappropriate use. Intentional violations of the New Bedford Free Public Library WORLD WIDE WEB (http://www) - INTERNET - PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner, which may include a written warning for the first offence and the loss of privileges for one year for a second offence. Illegal acts involving the library's computing resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.
By signing this agreement form, I agree to abide by its terms.
USER NAME (printed) _______________________________________library card #________________ USER or PARENT SIGNATURE (patrons under 18 years of age) : ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ STAFF ___________________________________________ DATE______________________________

You are encouraged to request and read the library's

revised 9/21/2001
revised 6/ 25/2002

Texas Medical Center Library: Acceptable Use Policy

Not all sources of electronic information--including those found on the Internet--provide information that is current, accurate, or complete. The Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center (HAM-TMC) Library cannot control or monitor the content of electronic information. Library users must exercise critical judgment when evaluating any information. Health-care information found on the Internet--or through any other print or electronic resource--is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion. Anyone with a medical problem should contact a qualified medical professional.

The purpose of the public-access computers and electronic information resources provided by the Library is to support the mission of the Library.

User Rights
The Library supports the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights: www.ala.org/work/freedom/lbr.html.

Privacy Policy
Any information HAM-TMC Library collects about individuals is for internal administrative purposes only. HAM-TMC Library does not share information about individuals with any third party.

Assistance to Users
Within the limits of its abilities and resources, the Library staff will provide users with assistance in using software and electronic-information resources supported by the Library. Library staff cannot provide assistance with software or electronic-information resources not supported by the Library.

The Library does not maintain collections or provide services intended for children. While children are allowed in the Library, parents must supervise children in the Library. All public-access computers in the Library have full access to the World Wide Web; there are no content filters to prevent children from accessing inappropriate material.

The public-access computers and electronic information resources of the Library may not be used for personal financial gain or commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, the sending of unsolicited advertisements (spam). The Library cannot guarantee the security of any credit-card transactions conducted on its public-access computers. Users should conduct such transactions on private computers.

Shared Resources
Because the Library public-access computers and electronic-information resources are shared resources, the Library reserves the right to impose time limits on their use. Users may not monopolize or make use of a disproportionate share of Library public-access computers or electronic-information resources. Users are expected to exercise politeness, courtesy, and common sense in the use of shared resources.

The Library public-access computers may not be used to harass anyone. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Sending unwanted electronic mail (spam).
Violating the privacy of others.
Intentionally exposing others to offensive material.
Users are reminded that all Library public-access workstations are located in public areas where words and images that appear on computer monitors can be seen by others.

Criminal Activity
Library public-access computers and electronic-information resources may not be used for any illegal activity. This includes, but is not limited to:
Misrepresenting oneself on the Internet or engaging in fraud.
Viewing child pornography.
Issuing threats.
Violating copyright laws or licensing agreements.

System Integrity
Users may not do anything to damage or compromise the integrity of Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources. This includes, but is not limited to:
Divulging to another person any password issued to you by the Library
Using the Library's facilities to gain unauthorized access to:
  • the Library's networks or computer systems.
  • any other network or computer system.
  • any electronic-information resource.
  • Obstructing other's work by using unreasonably, or by deliberately crashing or disrupting, Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources.
    Making any attempt to deliberately damage Library computer hardware or software or to deliberately and knowingly introduce a computer virus.
    Making any attempt to alter, change or modify software configurations, including installing software on Library public-access computers.
    Making any attempt to degrade of the performance of Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources.
    Consuming food or drink near Library computer hardware.

    Food And Computers
    Food and drink will be allowed only in the large uncarpeted area on the Street Level of the Library. Chairs and tables in this area will accommodate those who wish to eat and drink in the Library. Food and drink are not allowed in the HIEC Lab or Classroom. .

    Library management may revoke the library privileges of and/or ban from the HAM-TMC Library anyone who violates the above acceptable-use policies.

    Adopted February 1, 2000.

    Milner Library Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

    This policy applies only to the public computer workstations and does not include those computers in faculty and staff offices, in the Milner Computer Lab, or in the electronic classrooms.


    Illinois State University’s Milner Library endorses the sharing of information and freedom of expression that encourages academic discourse. Faculty, staff and students use Milner library’s resources to support and enhance instruction, research, and administrative functions. Use of library computer workstations integrally supports these educational activities. All users of Milner Library assume responsibility for using the computer workstations in an ethical and legal manner in accordance with University policies and state and federal laws.

    Users are expected to comply with applicable campus policies such as the Illinois State University Appropriate Use Policy (http://www.policy.ilstu.edu/fiscal/appropriate_use_policy.htm) and the Illinois State University Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy (http://www.policy.ilstu.edu/policydocs/eoaa.html). Milner Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights (http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/statementspols/statementsif/librarybillrights.htm) and the Freedom to Read Statement (http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/statementspols/ftrstatement/freedomreadstatement.htm) of the American Library Association.


    The primary clientele of Milner Library are the students, faculty, and staff of Illinois State University, and they will have priority during periods of high use. Persons other than ISU students, faculty and staff may use designated library computer workstations. Guest logins can be requested at the reference desks. All persons using Milner's computer workstations are expected to follow the guidelines set forth in this policy.


    Milner Library supports the right of all library users to access information, and will not deny access to electronic information networks, or to particular databases or Internet sites, based solely on age. The library recognizes that electronic information networks such as the Internet may contain material that is considered inappropriate for children. Only a parent or guardian has the right to determine what is appropriate for his or her child; it is not appropriate or practical for library staff to monitor children's computer use...Children will be expected to follow the guidelines outlined in this policy and will be held to the same standards of behavior as other library patrons.


    Milner Library patrons have certain rights with respect to the use of electronic information resources. These are the same rights that apply to patrons using any other library service. They include:

    1. The right to equitable access to the library's materials and services;
    2. The right to confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic information networks to the extent possible given certain constraints such as proximity of other patrons and staff in public access settings, and security weaknesses inherent in electronic communications;
    3. The right to access information without censorship of content. However, the Library may impose reasonable rules regarding the time, place, or manner in which electronic resources are used, in order to promote the efficient operation of the library and to ensure that the rights of all users are respected. The conventions of common courtesy and civility apply to the electronic environment and the Library encourages users to exercise good judgement as to what is appropriate for display in a public area.


    Milner Library staff provides assistance to patrons in the use of electronic information resources as time and staff knowledge permit. Printed and online documentation and instructions are available at or near most reference desks. Formal instruction in the use of particular electronic information services is available through library workshops or course-related instruction.


    Milner Library requires that library patrons using computer information resources do so within the guidelines of acceptable use. Library workstations are to be used primarily for course-related activity, scholarly research, and other activities directly related to the educational, research, and public service mission of the University.

    The following activities are UNACCEPTABLE:
    1. Destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of the library’s computer equipment software, or network security procedures;
    2. Behaving in a manner that is harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to others, including but not limited to use of computer equipment which serves to deny access to other users;
    3. Use of electronic information networks in any way which violates the Illinois State University Appropriate Use Policy (http://www.policy.ilstu.edu/fiscal/appropriate_use_policy.htm) or federal or state law;
    4. Use of electronic information networks in any way which violates licensing and payment agreements between Milner Library and network/database providers;
    5. Use of Milner workstations to access games and chat rooms not related to educational purposes.
    6. Use of Milner workstations for commercial purposes.


    In general, Milner Library staff will not monitor the amount of time library patrons use the public computer workstations. In periods of high use, Milner Library's primary clientele will have priority in use of the public computer workstations at the discretion of the library staff member at the reference desk.

    Approved by the Milner Library Faculty 7/15/1999
    Revised by the Milner Library Faculty 5/26/2005

    7/99 Internet_AUP.doc

    Milner Library, Illinois State University
    Page Contact: Web Services Team
    Last Modified: 2005-07-05 11:16:20

    Scott County Library System

    Internet Workstations
    Personal Computers for Public Use
    Children's CD-ROM workstations

    Computer Policies

    All Scott County Library branches offer customers use of computers and printers.

    1. Scott County Library System's computers are available for use during the hours the library is open.

    2. A library card is needed to use the computer. Customers from outside the MELSA area may use the Internet with their driver’s license. It is not necessary to hold a customer’s library card or drivers license while they are using the computer.

    3. Customers must sign a Computer and Internet Workstation Use Agreement before using networked computers.

    4. Customers may sign up for one hour. Children’s CD Rom workstations are available at all branches and sign up is ½ hour. More time may be available if no one is waiting.

    6. A maximum of two people may use the computer at one time.

    7. To protect the integrity of the computers and protect both the library network and customer computers, a customer may save only documents to floppy disks (eg. Word processing, spreadsheet etc.). Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought in from outside the library. For $1.00, customers may obtain a library disk and store it at the information desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another customer. If a customer removes the disk from the library, it may no longer be used in library computers. Disks that are no longer being used will be discarded after 6 months.

    8. Customers are charged $.10 per page for printing black and white copies and $0.50 per page for color copies.

    9. Tampering with the keyboard, disk drive, printer or monitor, accessing programs that are labeled "Librarian use only", or copying library software is prohibited. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges.

    10. Computer users are responsible for the condition of the computer and software while they are using it. In case of damages, charges will be based on the cost of repairs.

    11. No food or drink is allowed at the computers.

    Internet and World Wide Web Policies

    Customers requesting use of the library’s public computers to access the Internet are expected to use the Internet responsibly and to respect the rights of others, including library staff.

    1. Access to the Internet and the World Wide Web is subject to the Scott County Library System Computer Policy with the following additions and modifications:

    2. Customers with a valid library card and PIN registered in Scott County may use the Internet workstations up to one hour per day. If no other customers are waiting, an extension may be granted. If an extension is granted, the customer will be required to relinquish the workstation whenever others ask to use it.

    3. Customers from outside MELSA may be registered for computer privileges using picture ID with a current address, e.g. driver’s license

    4. To protect the integrity of the Internet Workstation, a customer may save files only to floppy disks (eg. Word processing, spreadsheet etc.). Customers may NOT download programs from the Internet. Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought in from outside the library. For $1.00, you may obtain a library disk and store it at the information desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another costomer. If you remove your disk from the library, you may no longer use it in library computers. Disks that are no longer being used will be discarded after 6 months.

    5. Customers may not install programs on the computers from the Internet, from floppy disks, from CD-ROM disks, or from any other source.

    6. The library makes a distinction between access to information via the Internet and access to materials selected for use in the library. Information accessed through the Internet is not subject to review by the library staff. Information accessed through the Internet may be inaccurate, dated, biased, incomplete, or controversial.

    7. As with other library materials and services, parents and legal guardians are responsible for the information selected and accessed by children.

    8. In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA, US 114 Stat. 2763A-335), all library PCs are filtered. The filter will be turned off for any adult (at least 17 years old) upon request. Library staff will assist children under 17 years old at staff PCs if they are blocked from a web site they need to use.

    9. Use of the Internet Workstations is for legal purposes only. Customers are prohibited from using the Internet to:

      1. violate federal, state, or local laws and regulations, including those governing obscenity, child pornography, and material harmful to minors, including, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294, and US 114 Stat. 2763A-335;

      2. violate copyright laws or database license agreements;

      3. display, print, or transmit graphics or text that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors;

      4. damage, degrade, alter, or disrupt equipment, software, data, or system performance;

      5. engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating, disruptive, or hostile environment for library customers or library staff;

      6. vandalize or, without permission, access another person’s materials, information, or files;

      7. violate computer system security;

      8. download or save to the computer’s hard drive;

      9. plug in non-library devices; or

      10. gain unauthorized access to resources or entities.

    10. Failure to adhere to these policies shall result in the loss of computer privileges. Customers who are denied privileges may apply for reinstatement of computer privileges after 6 months.

    11. Computer users will be held responsible for the condition of the computer and software. In case of damages, charges shall be based on the cost of repairs

    12. The Library Staff will provide reference assistance as time permits.

    MN Statutes Section 134.50 Internet access; libraries; Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294; US 114 Stat. 2763A-335

    Board Motion: 970414; 030714; 040624


    The Scott County Library System offers its customers use of computers and Internet Workstations under the following guidelines:

    Computer Use Agreement

    • Computers are available for use during the hours the library is open.

    • In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, all library PCs are filtered. Adults at least 17 years old may ask to have the Internet filter turned off. Children under 17 years old may ask the library staff for assistance if they are blocked from a web site they need to use.

    • Use of the Internet Workstations is for legal purposes only. Public access to the Internet may not be used to:

    • violate federal, state, or local laws and regulations, including those governing obscenity, child pornography, and material harmful to minors, including, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294; US 114 Stat. 2763A-335

    • violate copyright laws or database license agreements;

    • display, print, or transmit graphics or text that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors;

    • damage, degrade, alter, or disrupt equipment, software, data, or system performance;

    • engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating, disruptive, or hostile environment for library customers or library staff;

    • vandalize or, without permission, access another person’s materials, information, or files;

    • violate computer system security;

    • download or save to the computer’s hard drive;

    • plug in non-library devices; or

    • gain unauthorized access to resources or entities.

    • One hour at the internet workstations is available per day. If no other customers are waiting, an extension will be granted. If an extension is granted, you will be required to relinquish the workstation whenever others sign up to use it.

    • No one is allowed to use a workstation who owes $10 or more in library fees.

    • A maximum of two people may use the workstation at one time.

    • Prints are available at the Printer Workstation. The printing charge is $.10 per page for black & white copies and $.25 per page for color copies.

    • Programs on the desktop may be accessed, except those entitled Librarian Use Only.

    • Files (e.g. word-processing files) may only be saved to floppy disks. Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought into the library for use. For $1.00, a library disk may be purchased and stored for future use at the Information Desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another customer. If disk is removed from the library, it may no longer be used in library computers. Disks that are not used for six (6) months will be discarded.

    • Customers may not install programs on library computers from the Internet, floppy disks, CD-ROM disks, or any other source.

    • As with other library materials and services, parents and legal guardians are responsible for the information selected and accessed by their children.

      The library makes a distinction between access to information via the Internet and access to materials selected for use in the library. The Internet is a global electronic network, without government or library control or review of its users or content. Not all sources accessed through the Internet provide accurate, complete, non-controversial, or current information.

      Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges. Customers may apply for reinstatement of computer privileges after 6 months.

      Computer users will be held responsible for the condition of the computer and software. In case of damages, charges will be based on the cost of repairs.

      Library staff will assist with reference questions, but Internet-trained staff may not always be available.

    Public Computers Available in the Oklahoma State University Libraries

    There are multiple types of public computers in the Edmon Low Library (Main Library) building. The following descriptions will aid you in determining which type of public computer will best meet your needs when visiting the Library. Free printing is available from all computers.

    Public Computer Stations

    • Complete workstations, including MicroSoft® Office, access to OSU personal H: drives, and Internet access. These are found on First, and Fifth Floors.
    • Limited Internet access to Library Internet-delivered databases and public catalog only. These are found on First Floor.
    • OSU public catalog only. These are found on Basement, Third, and Fourth Floors next to the central elevator.
    • Adaptive technology stations are found on First Floor for those requiring the assistance of a screen reader or other adaptive technologies.

    Wireless Laptops

    The OSU Student Tech Fee Committee purchased a large number of laptops and printers for use by OSU-Stillwater students. These laptops are equipped with the same software as Student Tech Fee computer labs, e.g. word processing, Microsoft PowerPoint®, and access to personal H: drive. Special Bluetooth, infrared, and USB printers are available on each floor of the Library. More information about the laptops may be found at www.library.okstate.edu/access/laptops/index.htm.

    In addition, there are several laptops available for checkout by OSU-Stillwater faculty and staff.

    Non-Internet Database Public Computer Stations

    CD-ROM indexes are only accessible from stand-alone stations located near the General Reference Desk on the First Floor and Government Documents Reference Desk on Fifth Floor. None of these stations provide access to the internet, word processing, Microsoft PowerPoint®, or student's personal H: drive.

    Branch Libraries-Public Computer Stations

    Each of the individual branch libraries has slightly different public computer stations available for use. Please contact individual branches for more information:

    • Curriculum Materials Library
      Located in the basement of Willard Hall, the CML has public Internet stations along the north, west and south walls. There is one wheelchair height workstation.
    • Architecture Library
      Located on the 2nd floor of the Architecture Building, the Architecture Library has 3 public Internet stations with access to the AIA Architecture Index and Sweet's Catalog for Architects and Engineers on CD.
    • William E. Brock Memorial Library at the OSU Center for Veterinary Health Sciences
      Located in 102 McElroy Hall, the William E. Brock Memorial Library has 6 public workstations, an assistive technology computer station, 2 OSU Library Catalog Only terminals (1 in east stacks room and 1 in west stacks room), and a Veterinary Medicine Computer Reference terminal which provides access to CD and online resources whose licensing restrict usage to a single user. The Library also has wireless internet access for current OSU Faculty, Staff, and Students who provide their own equipment. There is one laptop that may be checked out by current OSU faculty, staff, and students. For additional information visit www.library.okstate.edu/vetmed/services/pubcomp.htm.

    Hours space Anywhere Library Access space EZProxy space Renew Online space Search This Site space OSU Home space Comments

    Oklahoma State University Library, Stillwater, OK 74078-1071
    Phone 405-744-9729

    Contact Web Editor
    URL: http://www.library.okstate.edu/services/pubcomp.htm
    Last Updated: 14 August 2006

    Mobile Computing - connecting readers' portable computers to the network

    Connection of Laptops to the Library Network - Requirements

    1. If you wish to make use of this service, it is necessary for your portable computer to have an Ethernet card with a UTP connection, and for it to be configured to use DHCP in order that it can be allocated an IP address and DNS settings automatically.

      PLEASE NOTE: Your computer should have all relevant patches and fixes for the operating system and software. If these are not in place your computer is likely to fail the test in '2' below and you will NOT be granted access to the network.

      If you do not understand these requirements or do not know how to meet them, then please consult your departmental or college IT Support Person. If you are planning to visit Oxford, you should ensure beforehand your portable is correctly configured.

      NOTE: Reading Room Staff cannot provide any technical assistance at all. It is your responsibility to configure your computer.

    2. Before your laptop is authorised to connect to the network you must scan your laptop. To do this simply connect your laptop to any network socket and open a web browser and follow the instructions. Full details can be found here.

      If it passes, then your laptop will be automatically authorised to connect to the network in the building that you are in for 7 days.

      If it fails, you will be given a detailed report on your web browser. You will be advised to save this report to your laptop to assist your IT support in fixing your PC.
    3. Oxford University rules for computer use can be accessed at http://www.ox.ac.uk/it/rules/ . Readers are reminded that they are bound not to misuse library computing facilities, for example, by downloading unsuitable materials and the use of peer-to-peer computing such as Kazaa, Napster etc. They are also requested to ensure all relevant patches and updates for their machine have been applied.

      Any computer that does not meet the rules for computer use will be banned from accessing resources on all Bodleian Library networks.

    Reading rooms currently offering the laptop scanning service are:

    • Bodleian Law Library
    • Map Room, New Bodleian
    • Duke Humfrey
    • Oriental Reading Room
    • Radcliffe Science Library (Lankester Room)
    • Radcliffe Science Library (Jackson Wing)
    • Radcliffe Camera - Lower Reading Room
    • Upper Reading Room (Old Library)
    • Lower Reading Room (Old Library)

    Libraries that have mobile computing but no laptop scanning are

    • Chinese Studies Library
    • Indian Institute

    For libraries offering OWL wireless service please check here

    The Upper Reading Room in the Radcliffe Camera does not currently have any facilities for mobile computing.

    Bodleian Library | Oxford Libraries | Oxford University

    © Bodleian Library
    Last revised:
    05 April 2006, djp/mar

    UTSA Library Policies

    Library Public Computers

    The UTSA Library strongly supports free and open access to all networked resources that are not restricted by law or The University's policies.

    However, because open access to research materials is the primary focus of the Library and because the number of workstations in the Library is limited, the Library reserves the right to reclaim Library public computers for accessing research materials.

    The following list includes activities not considered directly pertinent to research:

    • Checking or writing personal email
    • Using chatrooms for any purpose
    • Playing games, shopping or stock trading
    • Writing papers

    Email and chatroom activities that are directed by a faculty member and required for coursework are exceptions. The Library reserves the right to halt the above activities, or any other activities that do not involve research access and reassign the machines to patrons who need them for research.

    UTSA students, faculty, and staff have priority for use of all Library computers. If others are waiting to use computers, please limit your session to 30 minutes.

    UTSA Library Policies

    Library Public Computers

    The UTSA Library strongly supports free and open access to all networked resources that are not restricted by law or The University's policies.

    However, because open access to research materials is the primary focus of the Library and because the number of workstations in the Library is limited, the Library reserves the right to reclaim Library public computers for accessing research materials.

    The following list includes activities not considered directly pertinent to research:

    • Checking or writing personal email
    • Using chatrooms for any purpose
    • Playing games, shopping or stock trading
    • Writing papers

    Email and chatroom activities that are directed by a faculty member and required for coursework are exceptions. The Library reserves the right to halt the above activities, or any other activities that do not involve research access and reassign the machines to patrons who need them for research.

    UTSA students, faculty, and staff have priority for use of all Library computers. If others are waiting to use computers, please limit your session to 30 minutes.

    Policies - Library Laptop Computer Use

    The CSUMB Library now has 25 laptop computers available for use in the Library building. Priority will be given to instructional use by students participating in Library Instruction sessions. When not reserved for Library Instruction, current CSUMB students may check out a laptop from the Library Circulation Desk. Each laptop is equipped with a wireless network card, floppy drive, battery and AC power cord. CD/DVD drives and headphones are also available upon request. The laptops are configured with the same software loadset as the Library?s public desktop computers. Because the laptops use wireless technology, they can access the campus network from anywhere in the Library. Laptops may not be taken out of the Library and may only be used in the building. CSUMB faculty and staff who need laptop computers should contact Academic Technology and Media Services, Building 18.

    Priority Use:

    1) Priority is given to scheduled Library Instruction sessions. The Library will stop checking out laptops three hours prior to a classroom session.

    2) When not reserved or in use for instruction, currently enrolled CSUMB students may check out a laptop for in-building use. A CSUMB student ID with current semester sticker is required for check out.

    Borrowing Responsibility:

    When checking out a laptop from CSUMB Library, each borrower must sign the following Laptop User Agreement:

    1) I am responsible for the laptop and all components checked out to me. I will not leave it unattended. While in my possession I will protect it from being damaged or stolen.

    2) I understand that when I check out a laptop and components it is for my exclusive use. I agree that I will not check out laptop or components for others, and misuse is cause for not being allowed to check out laptop or components in the future.

    3) I agree to return laptop and all components when due. I understand that I will be billed for repair, replacement, and overdue fees while laptop and its components are checked out to me if returned damaged, lost, stolen or overdue. I also agree to pay for replacement, repair, and overdue fees should I incur any. See Laptop Fee Schedule below.

    4) I agree the CSUMB Library may place a hold on my registration, transcript, or take any other action necessary in an effort to recover damages arising from my use of laptop and its components. I agree that CSUMB is free to pursue any other remedies available to it and shall be entitled to recover any collection fees, if I fail to return the laptop or components when due.

    5) I understand and agree that CSUMB shall have the right to treat non-returned laptop or components as stolen property and can take all necessary actions to recover in it in accordance with governing law, including but not limited to disclosing personal information contained in this record as provided by State, Municipal, County, CSU and CSUMB policies.

    6) I agree this checkout record does not constitute a "confidential library record" and hereby agree to waive any and all my confidentiality rights under any Federal or State laws.

    7) I agree not to tamper, with hardware or existing software, or allow others to do so.

    8) I agree to fully cooperate with library staff when they ask to return laptop and components for library instruction, inventory, or when the library closes.

    When you checkout a laptop, you will be asked to sign a form indicating that you agree to binding and legal obligations listed in the above section on borrowing responsibility and are voluntarily entering into the agreement you sign.

    Borrowing and Use of Laptops

  • Currently enrolled CSUMB students may check out laptops for 2 hours from the Library Circulation Desk when not reserved for Library Instruction. A CSUMB student ID with current semester sticker is required.
  • Borrowers are required to sign the Laptop User Agreement and initial the Laptop Inventory List during check out.
  • Limit of one laptop per student.
  • Laptops are to be used inside the Library and are not allowed to leave the building.
  • Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. Laptops may not be reserved or renewed.
  • The Library will stop checking out laptops 2 hours prior to closing.
  • Laptops should not be left unattended at any time.
  • All laptops must be returned 30 minutes before closing.
  • All components must be returned together. The borrower is responsible for any and all replacement or late fees.
  • Because laptop clocks could have been changed by other borrowers, relying on the laptop clock for the time laptop is due is not cause to forgive overdue fees. Verify the time due with circulation desk staff.
  • For network, hardware, software or application problems, borrowers should contact the campus Information Technology Service Desk, 582-HELP (4357) during regular business hours. A campus phone is available in the Library lobby.

    Laptop Overdue, Replacement and Damage Fee Schedule:

    Overdue fees are assessed at $20 for the first hour or any portion of an hour, and $20 for each additional hour or portion of an hour, up to a maximum of $250. Laptops not returned within 24 hours are considered stolen or lost and the borrower will be charged for full replacement according to the fee schedule below. If any components are returned damaged or are missing, the borrower will be assessed the corresponding replacement fee below, plus a $10 non-refundable processing fee for each missing component.

  • Compaq Laptop N160 (Cost $1500)
  • WL Wireless Network Card (Cost $98)
  • 8-cell Li-on Battery (Cost $106)
  • AC Adaptor (Cost $40)
  • Modular Floppy Drive (Cost $65)
  • 8x DVD Rom Drive (Cost $164)
  • Headphones (Cost $16)

    This policy subject to change.

  • CSU Monterey Bay Library: Policies - Use of Library Computers

    Policies - Use of Library Computers

    The purpose of these guidelines is to name the principles by which the public access computers are made available and configured, to name the policies and procedures by which the principles are followed, to announce current configurations and access, and to establish methods for revising the configuration.
    The scope of these guidelines includes all Library software, printers and local storage devices housed in the Library are available for public access.


    1. The library, in consultation with faculty and students, has the responsibility to match library-based resources to the mission and goals of the University and Library.
    2. Given the mission of the Library to provide "the diversity of information resources essential for learning and teaching" CSUMB's curriculum, and the reliance on electronic resources to fulfill that mission, public access to computers is an essential resource for the library and its patrons. The library has an obligation to recognize and address contending uses of library-based computers and to ensure the availability of computer resources for information discovery and access. While the library seeks to make electronic information resources available to its primary clientele from any networked computer, library-based access is at times essential because of its proximity to other library services such as Reference assistance.
    3. The Library is dedicated to assisting the University in providing general access to computing resources provided that general access does not substantially interfere with the availability of computing resources for information discovery and access nor place undue strain on the library’s staff and other resources.
    4. The Library will support and maintain library-specialized software on its public access computers, and will make a best effort to provide assistance to users. Ultimately, however, support and maintenance of hardware and the basic software loadset is the responsibility of campus Information Technology.

    Policies & Procedures

    In accordance with the principles above, the following policies (and associated procedures for implementation) are assumed for library workstations:

    1. As needed the library shall dedicate computers for information discovery and use only. Those computers will have a "basic library loadset."
      • In accordance with the CSUMB Desktop and Computer Lab Standard Operating Environment Guidelines, the loadset will be determined by library staff.
      • Computers designated for information discovery and use will be clearly designated as such.
      • The loadset is reviewed annually by the Library. Notices of significant changes will be sent to Information Technology, and the Academic Senate Technology Committee, and will be widely announced to the campus community.
    2. In order to make access to computers equitable, patterns of use and demand will be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, a queuing method (e.g. "sign-up" sheets) may be instituted. The queuing method may include time limits on use of library computers.
    3. Priority use of Library computers is dedicated to the library's primary clientele, i.e. CSUMB students, faculty, and staff. Non-primary clientele may use library computers on an as available basis (but not necessarily all library resources where license restrictions prevent it).

    Current Configuration

    The basic library loadset is currently the campus Basic loadset with the following applications:

    • Internet Explorer
    • Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
    • FirstClass e-mail client
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader
    Support & Maintenance of Computers

    For computer problems or questions contact the campus Technology Service Desk.

    These guidelines are subject to review by the Library on an annual or as-needed basis.