Milner Library Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy
This policy applies only to the public computer workstations and does not include those computers in faculty and staff offices, in the Milner Computer Lab, or in the electronic classrooms.
Illinois State University’s Milner Library endorses the sharing of information and freedom of expression that encourages academic discourse. Faculty, staff and students use Milner library’s resources to support and enhance instruction, research, and administrative functions. Use of library computer workstations integrally supports these educational activities. All users of Milner Library assume responsibility for using the computer workstations in an ethical and legal manner in accordance with University policies and state and federal laws.
Users are expected to comply with applicable campus policies such as the Illinois State University Appropriate Use Policy ( and the Illinois State University Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy ( Milner Library endorses the Library Bill of Rights ( and the Freedom to Read Statement ( of the American Library Association.
The primary clientele of Milner Library are the students, faculty, and staff of Illinois State University, and they will have priority during periods of high use. Persons other than ISU students, faculty and staff may use designated library computer workstations. Guest logins can be requested at the reference desks. All persons using Milner's computer workstations are expected to follow the guidelines set forth in this policy.
Milner Library supports the right of all library users to access information, and will not deny access to electronic information networks, or to particular databases or Internet sites, based solely on age. The library recognizes that electronic information networks such as the Internet may contain material that is considered inappropriate for children. Only a parent or guardian has the right to determine what is appropriate for his or her child; it is not appropriate or practical for library staff to monitor children's computer use...Children will be expected to follow the guidelines outlined in this policy and will be held to the same standards of behavior as other library patrons.
Milner Library patrons have certain rights with respect to the use of electronic information resources. These are the same rights that apply to patrons using any other library service. They include:
- The right to equitable access to the library's materials and services;
- The right to confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic information networks to the extent possible given certain constraints such as proximity of other patrons and staff in public access settings, and security weaknesses inherent in electronic communications;
- The right to access information without censorship of content. However, the Library may impose reasonable rules regarding the time, place, or manner in which electronic resources are used, in order to promote the efficient operation of the library and to ensure that the rights of all users are respected. The conventions of common courtesy and civility apply to the electronic environment and the Library encourages users to exercise good judgement as to what is appropriate for display in a public area.
Milner Library staff provides assistance to patrons in the use of electronic information resources as time and staff knowledge permit. Printed and online documentation and instructions are available at or near most reference desks. Formal instruction in the use of particular electronic information services is available through library workshops or course-related instruction.
Milner Library requires that library patrons using computer information resources do so within the guidelines of acceptable use. Library workstations are to be used primarily for course-related activity, scholarly research, and other activities directly related to the educational, research, and public service mission of the University.
The following activities are UNACCEPTABLE:- Destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of the library’s computer equipment software, or network security procedures;
- Behaving in a manner that is harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to others, including but not limited to use of computer equipment which serves to deny access to other users;
- Use of electronic information networks in any way which violates the Illinois State University Appropriate Use Policy ( or federal or state law;
- Use of electronic information networks in any way which violates licensing and payment agreements between Milner Library and network/database providers;
- Use of Milner workstations to access games and chat rooms not related to educational purposes.
- Use of Milner workstations for commercial purposes.
In general, Milner Library staff will not monitor the amount of time library patrons use the public computer workstations. In periods of high use, Milner Library's primary clientele will have priority in use of the public computer workstations at the discretion of the library staff member at the reference desk.
Approved by the Milner Library Faculty 7/15/1999
Revised by the Milner Library Faculty 5/26/2005
7/99 Internet_AUP.doc
Milner Library, Illinois State UniversityPage Contact: Web Services Team
Last Modified: 2005-07-05 11:16:20
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