YMLib Systems Librarian


位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

CSU Monterey Bay Library: Policies - Use of Library Computers

Policies - Use of Library Computers

The purpose of these guidelines is to name the principles by which the public access computers are made available and configured, to name the policies and procedures by which the principles are followed, to announce current configurations and access, and to establish methods for revising the configuration.
The scope of these guidelines includes all Library software, printers and local storage devices housed in the Library are available for public access.


  1. The library, in consultation with faculty and students, has the responsibility to match library-based resources to the mission and goals of the University and Library.
  2. Given the mission of the Library to provide "the diversity of information resources essential for learning and teaching" CSUMB's curriculum, and the reliance on electronic resources to fulfill that mission, public access to computers is an essential resource for the library and its patrons. The library has an obligation to recognize and address contending uses of library-based computers and to ensure the availability of computer resources for information discovery and access. While the library seeks to make electronic information resources available to its primary clientele from any networked computer, library-based access is at times essential because of its proximity to other library services such as Reference assistance.
  3. The Library is dedicated to assisting the University in providing general access to computing resources provided that general access does not substantially interfere with the availability of computing resources for information discovery and access nor place undue strain on the library’s staff and other resources.
  4. The Library will support and maintain library-specialized software on its public access computers, and will make a best effort to provide assistance to users. Ultimately, however, support and maintenance of hardware and the basic software loadset is the responsibility of campus Information Technology.

Policies & Procedures

In accordance with the principles above, the following policies (and associated procedures for implementation) are assumed for library workstations:

  1. As needed the library shall dedicate computers for information discovery and use only. Those computers will have a "basic library loadset."
    • In accordance with the CSUMB Desktop and Computer Lab Standard Operating Environment Guidelines, the loadset will be determined by library staff.
    • Computers designated for information discovery and use will be clearly designated as such.
    • The loadset is reviewed annually by the Library. Notices of significant changes will be sent to Information Technology, and the Academic Senate Technology Committee, and will be widely announced to the campus community.
  2. In order to make access to computers equitable, patterns of use and demand will be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, a queuing method (e.g. "sign-up" sheets) may be instituted. The queuing method may include time limits on use of library computers.
  3. Priority use of Library computers is dedicated to the library's primary clientele, i.e. CSUMB students, faculty, and staff. Non-primary clientele may use library computers on an as available basis (but not necessarily all library resources where license restrictions prevent it).

Current Configuration

The basic library loadset is currently the campus Basic loadset with the following applications:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
  • FirstClass e-mail client
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
Support & Maintenance of Computers

For computer problems or questions contact the campus Technology Service Desk.

These guidelines are subject to review by the Library on an annual or as-needed basis.