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位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

Mobile Computing - connecting readers' portable computers to the network

Connection of Laptops to the Library Network - Requirements

  1. If you wish to make use of this service, it is necessary for your portable computer to have an Ethernet card with a UTP connection, and for it to be configured to use DHCP in order that it can be allocated an IP address and DNS settings automatically.

    PLEASE NOTE: Your computer should have all relevant patches and fixes for the operating system and software. If these are not in place your computer is likely to fail the test in '2' below and you will NOT be granted access to the network.

    If you do not understand these requirements or do not know how to meet them, then please consult your departmental or college IT Support Person. If you are planning to visit Oxford, you should ensure beforehand your portable is correctly configured.

    NOTE: Reading Room Staff cannot provide any technical assistance at all. It is your responsibility to configure your computer.

  2. Before your laptop is authorised to connect to the network you must scan your laptop. To do this simply connect your laptop to any network socket and open a web browser and follow the instructions. Full details can be found here.

    If it passes, then your laptop will be automatically authorised to connect to the network in the building that you are in for 7 days.

    If it fails, you will be given a detailed report on your web browser. You will be advised to save this report to your laptop to assist your IT support in fixing your PC.
  3. Oxford University rules for computer use can be accessed at http://www.ox.ac.uk/it/rules/ . Readers are reminded that they are bound not to misuse library computing facilities, for example, by downloading unsuitable materials and the use of peer-to-peer computing such as Kazaa, Napster etc. They are also requested to ensure all relevant patches and updates for their machine have been applied.

    Any computer that does not meet the rules for computer use will be banned from accessing resources on all Bodleian Library networks.

Reading rooms currently offering the laptop scanning service are:

  • Bodleian Law Library
  • Map Room, New Bodleian
  • Duke Humfrey
  • Oriental Reading Room
  • Radcliffe Science Library (Lankester Room)
  • Radcliffe Science Library (Jackson Wing)
  • Radcliffe Camera - Lower Reading Room
  • Upper Reading Room (Old Library)
  • Lower Reading Room (Old Library)

Libraries that have mobile computing but no laptop scanning are

  • Chinese Studies Library
  • Indian Institute

For libraries offering OWL wireless service please check here

The Upper Reading Room in the Radcliffe Camera does not currently have any facilities for mobile computing.

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© Bodleian Library
Last revised:
05 April 2006, djp/mar