Policies - Library Laptop Computer Use
The CSUMB Library now has 25 laptop computers available for use in the Library building. Priority will be given to instructional use by students participating in Library Instruction sessions. When not reserved for Library Instruction, current CSUMB students may check out a laptop from the Library Circulation Desk. Each laptop is equipped with a wireless network card, floppy drive, battery and AC power cord. CD/DVD drives and headphones are also available upon request. The laptops are configured with the same software loadset as the Library?s public desktop computers. Because the laptops use wireless technology, they can access the campus network from anywhere in the Library. Laptops may not be taken out of the Library and may only be used in the building. CSUMB faculty and staff who need laptop computers should contact Academic Technology and Media Services, Building 18.
Priority Use:
1) Priority is given to scheduled Library Instruction sessions. The Library will stop checking out laptops three hours prior to a classroom session.
2) When not reserved or in use for instruction, currently enrolled CSUMB students may check out a laptop for in-building use. A CSUMB student ID with current semester sticker is required for check out.
Borrowing Responsibility:
When checking out a laptop from CSUMB Library, each borrower must sign the following Laptop User Agreement:
1) I am responsible for the laptop and all components checked out to me. I will not leave it unattended. While in my possession I will protect it from being damaged or stolen.
2) I understand that when I check out a laptop and components it is for my exclusive use. I agree that I will not check out laptop or components for others, and misuse is cause for not being allowed to check out laptop or components in the future.
3) I agree to return laptop and all components when due. I understand that I will be billed for repair, replacement, and overdue fees while laptop and its components are checked out to me if returned damaged, lost, stolen or overdue. I also agree to pay for replacement, repair, and overdue fees should I incur any. See Laptop Fee Schedule below.
4) I agree the CSUMB Library may place a hold on my registration, transcript, or take any other action necessary in an effort to recover damages arising from my use of laptop and its components. I agree that CSUMB is free to pursue any other remedies available to it and shall be entitled to recover any collection fees, if I fail to return the laptop or components when due.
5) I understand and agree that CSUMB shall have the right to treat non-returned laptop or components as stolen property and can take all necessary actions to recover in it in accordance with governing law, including but not limited to disclosing personal information contained in this record as provided by State, Municipal, County, CSU and CSUMB policies.
6) I agree this checkout record does not constitute a "confidential library record" and hereby agree to waive any and all my confidentiality rights under any Federal or State laws.
7) I agree not to tamper, with hardware or existing software, or allow others to do so.
8) I agree to fully cooperate with library staff when they ask to return laptop and components for library instruction, inventory, or when the library closes.
When you checkout a laptop, you will be asked to sign a form indicating that you agree to binding and legal obligations listed in the above section on borrowing responsibility and are voluntarily entering into the agreement you sign.
Borrowing and Use of Laptops
Laptop Overdue, Replacement and Damage Fee Schedule:
Overdue fees are assessed at $20 for the first hour or any portion of an hour, and $20 for each additional hour or portion of an hour, up to a maximum of $250. Laptops not returned within 24 hours are considered stolen or lost and the borrower will be charged for full replacement according to the fee schedule below. If any components are returned damaged or are missing, the borrower will be assessed the corresponding replacement fee below, plus a $10 non-refundable processing fee for each missing component.
This policy subject to change.
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