YMLib Systems Librarian


位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

Texas Medical Center Library: Acceptable Use Policy

Not all sources of electronic information--including those found on the Internet--provide information that is current, accurate, or complete. The Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center (HAM-TMC) Library cannot control or monitor the content of electronic information. Library users must exercise critical judgment when evaluating any information. Health-care information found on the Internet--or through any other print or electronic resource--is not a substitute for a professional medical opinion. Anyone with a medical problem should contact a qualified medical professional.

The purpose of the public-access computers and electronic information resources provided by the Library is to support the mission of the Library.

User Rights
The Library supports the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights: www.ala.org/work/freedom/lbr.html.

Privacy Policy
Any information HAM-TMC Library collects about individuals is for internal administrative purposes only. HAM-TMC Library does not share information about individuals with any third party.

Assistance to Users
Within the limits of its abilities and resources, the Library staff will provide users with assistance in using software and electronic-information resources supported by the Library. Library staff cannot provide assistance with software or electronic-information resources not supported by the Library.

The Library does not maintain collections or provide services intended for children. While children are allowed in the Library, parents must supervise children in the Library. All public-access computers in the Library have full access to the World Wide Web; there are no content filters to prevent children from accessing inappropriate material.

The public-access computers and electronic information resources of the Library may not be used for personal financial gain or commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, the sending of unsolicited advertisements (spam). The Library cannot guarantee the security of any credit-card transactions conducted on its public-access computers. Users should conduct such transactions on private computers.

Shared Resources
Because the Library public-access computers and electronic-information resources are shared resources, the Library reserves the right to impose time limits on their use. Users may not monopolize or make use of a disproportionate share of Library public-access computers or electronic-information resources. Users are expected to exercise politeness, courtesy, and common sense in the use of shared resources.

The Library public-access computers may not be used to harass anyone. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Sending unwanted electronic mail (spam).
Violating the privacy of others.
Intentionally exposing others to offensive material.
Users are reminded that all Library public-access workstations are located in public areas where words and images that appear on computer monitors can be seen by others.

Criminal Activity
Library public-access computers and electronic-information resources may not be used for any illegal activity. This includes, but is not limited to:
Misrepresenting oneself on the Internet or engaging in fraud.
Viewing child pornography.
Issuing threats.
Violating copyright laws or licensing agreements.

System Integrity
Users may not do anything to damage or compromise the integrity of Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources. This includes, but is not limited to:
Divulging to another person any password issued to you by the Library
Using the Library's facilities to gain unauthorized access to:
  • the Library's networks or computer systems.
  • any other network or computer system.
  • any electronic-information resource.
  • Obstructing other's work by using unreasonably, or by deliberately crashing or disrupting, Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources.
    Making any attempt to deliberately damage Library computer hardware or software or to deliberately and knowingly introduce a computer virus.
    Making any attempt to alter, change or modify software configurations, including installing software on Library public-access computers.
    Making any attempt to degrade of the performance of Library public-access workstations, networks, or electronic-information resources.
    Consuming food or drink near Library computer hardware.

    Food And Computers
    Food and drink will be allowed only in the large uncarpeted area on the Street Level of the Library. Chairs and tables in this area will accommodate those who wish to eat and drink in the Library. Food and drink are not allowed in the HIEC Lab or Classroom. .

    Library management may revoke the library privileges of and/or ban from the HAM-TMC Library anyone who violates the above acceptable-use policies.

    Adopted February 1, 2000.