UTSA Library Policies
Library Public Computers
The UTSA Library strongly supports free and open access to all networked resources that are not restricted by law or The University's policies.
However, because open access to research materials is the primary focus of the Library and because the number of workstations in the Library is limited, the Library reserves the right to reclaim Library public computers for accessing research materials.
The following list includes activities not considered directly pertinent to research:
- Checking or writing personal email
- Using chatrooms for any purpose
- Playing games, shopping or stock trading
- Writing papers
Email and chatroom activities that are directed by a faculty member and required for coursework are exceptions. The Library reserves the right to halt the above activities, or any other activities that do not involve research access and reassign the machines to patrons who need them for research.
UTSA students, faculty, and staff have priority for use of all Library computers. If others are waiting to use computers, please limit your session to 30 minutes.
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