YMLib Systems Librarian


位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

Scott County Library System

Internet Workstations
Personal Computers for Public Use
Children's CD-ROM workstations

Computer Policies

All Scott County Library branches offer customers use of computers and printers.

1. Scott County Library System's computers are available for use during the hours the library is open.

2. A library card is needed to use the computer. Customers from outside the MELSA area may use the Internet with their driver’s license. It is not necessary to hold a customer’s library card or drivers license while they are using the computer.

3. Customers must sign a Computer and Internet Workstation Use Agreement before using networked computers.

4. Customers may sign up for one hour. Children’s CD Rom workstations are available at all branches and sign up is ½ hour. More time may be available if no one is waiting.

6. A maximum of two people may use the computer at one time.

7. To protect the integrity of the computers and protect both the library network and customer computers, a customer may save only documents to floppy disks (eg. Word processing, spreadsheet etc.). Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought in from outside the library. For $1.00, customers may obtain a library disk and store it at the information desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another customer. If a customer removes the disk from the library, it may no longer be used in library computers. Disks that are no longer being used will be discarded after 6 months.

8. Customers are charged $.10 per page for printing black and white copies and $0.50 per page for color copies.

9. Tampering with the keyboard, disk drive, printer or monitor, accessing programs that are labeled "Librarian use only", or copying library software is prohibited. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges.

10. Computer users are responsible for the condition of the computer and software while they are using it. In case of damages, charges will be based on the cost of repairs.

11. No food or drink is allowed at the computers.

Internet and World Wide Web Policies

Customers requesting use of the library’s public computers to access the Internet are expected to use the Internet responsibly and to respect the rights of others, including library staff.

  1. Access to the Internet and the World Wide Web is subject to the Scott County Library System Computer Policy with the following additions and modifications:

  2. Customers with a valid library card and PIN registered in Scott County may use the Internet workstations up to one hour per day. If no other customers are waiting, an extension may be granted. If an extension is granted, the customer will be required to relinquish the workstation whenever others ask to use it.

  3. Customers from outside MELSA may be registered for computer privileges using picture ID with a current address, e.g. driver’s license

  4. To protect the integrity of the Internet Workstation, a customer may save files only to floppy disks (eg. Word processing, spreadsheet etc.). Customers may NOT download programs from the Internet. Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought in from outside the library. For $1.00, you may obtain a library disk and store it at the information desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another costomer. If you remove your disk from the library, you may no longer use it in library computers. Disks that are no longer being used will be discarded after 6 months.

  5. Customers may not install programs on the computers from the Internet, from floppy disks, from CD-ROM disks, or from any other source.

  6. The library makes a distinction between access to information via the Internet and access to materials selected for use in the library. Information accessed through the Internet is not subject to review by the library staff. Information accessed through the Internet may be inaccurate, dated, biased, incomplete, or controversial.

  7. As with other library materials and services, parents and legal guardians are responsible for the information selected and accessed by children.

  8. In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA, US 114 Stat. 2763A-335), all library PCs are filtered. The filter will be turned off for any adult (at least 17 years old) upon request. Library staff will assist children under 17 years old at staff PCs if they are blocked from a web site they need to use.

  9. Use of the Internet Workstations is for legal purposes only. Customers are prohibited from using the Internet to:

    1. violate federal, state, or local laws and regulations, including those governing obscenity, child pornography, and material harmful to minors, including, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294, and US 114 Stat. 2763A-335;

    2. violate copyright laws or database license agreements;

    3. display, print, or transmit graphics or text that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors;

    4. damage, degrade, alter, or disrupt equipment, software, data, or system performance;

    5. engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating, disruptive, or hostile environment for library customers or library staff;

    6. vandalize or, without permission, access another person’s materials, information, or files;

    7. violate computer system security;

    8. download or save to the computer’s hard drive;

    9. plug in non-library devices; or

    10. gain unauthorized access to resources or entities.

  10. Failure to adhere to these policies shall result in the loss of computer privileges. Customers who are denied privileges may apply for reinstatement of computer privileges after 6 months.

  11. Computer users will be held responsible for the condition of the computer and software. In case of damages, charges shall be based on the cost of repairs

  12. The Library Staff will provide reference assistance as time permits.

MN Statutes Section 134.50 Internet access; libraries; Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294; US 114 Stat. 2763A-335

Board Motion: 970414; 030714; 040624


The Scott County Library System offers its customers use of computers and Internet Workstations under the following guidelines:

Computer Use Agreement

  • Computers are available for use during the hours the library is open.

  • In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, all library PCs are filtered. Adults at least 17 years old may ask to have the Internet filter turned off. Children under 17 years old may ask the library staff for assistance if they are blocked from a web site they need to use.

  • Use of the Internet Workstations is for legal purposes only. Public access to the Internet may not be used to:

  • violate federal, state, or local laws and regulations, including those governing obscenity, child pornography, and material harmful to minors, including, but not limited to Minn. Stat. §§ 717.241 and 617.291-294; US 114 Stat. 2763A-335

  • violate copyright laws or database license agreements;

  • display, print, or transmit graphics or text that is obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors;

  • damage, degrade, alter, or disrupt equipment, software, data, or system performance;

  • engage in any activity that is deliberately offensive or creates an intimidating, disruptive, or hostile environment for library customers or library staff;

  • vandalize or, without permission, access another person’s materials, information, or files;

  • violate computer system security;

  • download or save to the computer’s hard drive;

  • plug in non-library devices; or

  • gain unauthorized access to resources or entities.

  • One hour at the internet workstations is available per day. If no other customers are waiting, an extension will be granted. If an extension is granted, you will be required to relinquish the workstation whenever others sign up to use it.

  • No one is allowed to use a workstation who owes $10 or more in library fees.

  • A maximum of two people may use the workstation at one time.

  • Prints are available at the Printer Workstation. The printing charge is $.10 per page for black & white copies and $.25 per page for color copies.

  • Programs on the desktop may be accessed, except those entitled Librarian Use Only.

  • Files (e.g. word-processing files) may only be saved to floppy disks. Disks (including CD-ROM disks) may not be brought into the library for use. For $1.00, a library disk may be purchased and stored for future use at the Information Desk. As long as the disk is stored in the library, it remains the property of the library system and is accessible by the staff, but may not be used by another customer. If disk is removed from the library, it may no longer be used in library computers. Disks that are not used for six (6) months will be discarded.

  • Customers may not install programs on library computers from the Internet, floppy disks, CD-ROM disks, or any other source.

  • As with other library materials and services, parents and legal guardians are responsible for the information selected and accessed by their children.

    The library makes a distinction between access to information via the Internet and access to materials selected for use in the library. The Internet is a global electronic network, without government or library control or review of its users or content. Not all sources accessed through the Internet provide accurate, complete, non-controversial, or current information.

    Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges. Customers may apply for reinstatement of computer privileges after 6 months.

    Computer users will be held responsible for the condition of the computer and software. In case of damages, charges will be based on the cost of repairs.

    Library staff will assist with reference questions, but Internet-trained staff may not always be available.