University of Hawaii at Manoa Library Public Computer Use Policy
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Library Public Computer Use Policy
The University of Hawaii at Manoa Library develops collections, resources, and services that meet the educational, instructional, and research needs of the University community. To meet those needs, the Library provides computer equipment for the purpose of accessing information resources in electronic format. The Library Public Computer Use Policy is part of the Library's overall policy structure and should be interpreted in conjunction with other existing policies and procedures. This policy refers to computers in public(non-staff) areas.
UHM Library computers and related equipment are to be used only to access information resources for educational, instructional and research needs. The use of Library computer equipment for other purposes is prohibited. Users must respect the rights of other users and abide by all University and Library policy, licensing, and contractual agreements. Users must not use equipment in an unsafe or harmful manner and should not damage equipment and facilities.
Users must comply with the University of Hawaii Policy on Acceptable Use of University Computer and Information Resources
The following is considered unauthorized computer use and is prohibited:
- Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, peripherals, or networks;
- Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes;
- Using the network to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems;
- Masking the identity of an account or machine, which includes, but is not limited to, sending mail anonymously;
- Attempting to monitor or tamper with electronic communications of other users, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting files or software of other users;
- Installing or uploading of software programs or graphics;
- Using a computer account that you are not authorized to use.
It is also University policy that:
- Displaying of sexually explicit images or sounds where others can see or hear them may create a hostile environment and could constitute sexual harassment according to University policies on sexual harassment. Library staff may intervene and direct users to cease this activity;
- University resources are intended to be used for institutional purposes and may not be used for private gain;
- Users must observe all laws relating to copyright, trademark, export and intellectual property rights.
University of Hawaii faculty, students, staff and other officially affiliated UH users have priority for accessing electronic resources and using library computer equipment. Non-affiliated users are limited to a single hour per day of Library computer use. Non-affiliated users may be required to sign up for computer use on reservation schedules adjacent to computer workstations. Non-affiliated users may be asked to relinquish computers to UH faculty, staff, or students at any time. Any user may be asked to show valid UH identification. Exceptions to the above will be made for users accessing official U.S. government information available through the Federal Depository Library Program.
E-mail is prohibited on certain computers and are so labeled. Certain computers allow e-mail - these should be used for e-mail related to educational, instructional and research-related activities. Personal e-mail is allowed only on designated computers.
Printing and downloading from Library computers is allowed only on designated computers. Some printing is only available on a fee-per-page basis from computers so designated. Circumventing security programs to access word processing features or using website-launched word processing on PCs not designated for such use is prohibited.
Some Library computers are designated for specific purposes. Specific rules are posted adjacent to computers so designated. Sign-up sheets may be supplied in order to secure use time. Other library computers may require authentication of UH affiliation in order to be used.
It is the policy of the University to deny access to any member of the user community who violates this policy or who uses the University's technology resources to violate other duly established policies or laws.
Jean Ehrhorn
Interim University Librarian
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