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位置: WuGu, Taipei, Taiwan

我是個大光頭,因我的頭型適合這一型。I have a perfect head style.

星期一, 8月 06, 2007

Protecting Content With .htaccess Files

Protecting Content With .htaccess Files

.htaccess files are very versitile, and can easily become very complex. This document contains enough information to set simple access restrictions/limits on a directory in your web space.

Remember to upload .htaccess files, and .htpasswd files using ASCII mode. This is an option is available in most FTP clients.

Username/Password Protection

This schema will prompt web users to enter a CASE SENSITIVE username/password pair before serving any content within the directory containing the .htaccess file. In the simplest of cases there are two files involved, the .htaccess file, and the password file.

The password file is a text file containing a username and an encrypted password, seperated by a colon. You can use one password file for many .htaccess files. The entries can be generated here.

The .htaccess file would be placed in the directory that needs password protection, and would look something like this:

AuthUserFile /usr/home/lee/htpasswd - FULL path to the password file. This file doesn't have to be in your public_html.
AuthName "Lee's Secret Area" - This description will appear in the login screen. Multiple words require quotes.
AuthType Basic - Just a line that is required.

- Start of the limit tag. This will set limits on GET's and POST's.
require valid-user - Sets area restrictions such that the user must have a valid login.

- End of the limit tag.

If you are using one password file for multiple .htaccess files, and would like certain users to have access to some areas, but not others, you may want to try one of the following:

a) specify the users by using require user userid:

require user cisco
require user bob
require user tim

b) setup a group file. This requires you to specify AuthGroupFile. You can now require group whatever.

.htaccess example

AuthUserFile /usr/home/lee/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/home/lee/htgroup
AuthName "Lee's Secret Area"
AuthType Basic

require group managers

AuthGroupFile example:

managers: cisco bob tim jeff kari
systems: lee joe cisco
sales: kari tonja

Restricting by IP Address

This only requires the .htaccess file. There are two approaches to restricting by IP address:

a) deny everyone access, then allow certain hosts/IP addresses

AuthName "Lee's Secret Area"
AuthType Basic

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 199.166.210.
allow from .golden.net
allow from proxy.aol.com
allow from fish.wiretap.net

b) allow everyone except for certain hosts/IP addresses

AuthName "Lee's Secret Area"
AuthType Basic

order allow,deny
allow from all
deny from .microsoft.com
deny from .evil-hackers.org
deny from
deny from morphine.wiretap.net

More Examples

Try crunching the above together into one:

a) only managers can view this page from a .golden.net IP address:

AuthUserFile /usr/home/lee/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/home/lee/htgroup
AuthName "Lee's Secret Area"
AuthType Basic

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from .golden.net
require group managers

managers: cisco bob tim jeff kari
systems: lee joe cisco
sales: kari tonja

b) managers can view this page from anywhere, everyone else must be from a golden.net IP address:

AuthUserFile /usr/home/lee/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/home/lee/htgroup
AuthName "Lee's Secret Area"
AuthType Basic
Satisfy Any
Default is Satisfy ALL

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from .golden.net
require group managers

managers: cisco bob tim jeff kari
systems: lee joe cisco
sales: kari tonja


Check out apache's web site http://www.apache.org for more stuff you can use in your htaccess file. If you have a question regarding htaccess, please contact corpsupport@execulink.com (Execulink Telecom clients only please).

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